Alina Trukhina

Full Stack Software Developer


Foraging Finds

Duration: 2 Week Sprint

Finding plants or mushrooms when you are out foraging is a joy! However, remembering the spot you found that beautiful flush of chanterelles some time after can be frustrating.

This app lets foragers save their finds on a map along with a photo and a short journal entry.

Users can also explore other users finds or search for a specific mushroom on a map, and leave a comment on each entry.

All user entries can be viewed in a list, edited, or deleted.

Demo videos

Click on video to play




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Technologies Used

  • React
  • Redux
  • Sagas
  • Node.js
  • Express
  • PostgreSQL
  • PassportJS
  • Google Maps API
  • Multer
  • CSS
  • Material UI
Source Code on GitHub

(c) 2022 Alina Trukhina. Built with Svelte